Archive for May, 2010

The Dream…

So this passed weekend we took a road trip to the great city of San Francisco here is only a portion of what we saw and experienced..



and more clouds…

Koala bread anyone???

The world famous…

Creator of the Moon and Sun…

Dough heaven…

I’m focused mannn…

The god of water and the sea… Neptune…

Straight chillin’…

Three of the many amigos…

He smokin’, he livin’, he happy…

Cracked out…

The heart of the city…

Bloody deliciousness…

Chef Wu in the house…

Peace y’all…


graduation celebration.

So this week the kids at the University of Southern California had their graduation, so naturally we had a celebration.  Here are just some of the pictures from today’s event.

Justin Chan aka Mr. Troll

Smile Loretta!

Annalisa Mean Muggin’ check her thoughts here.

Brotherly love.

Graduation cake from the guest of honor Larry Chen.  Congratulations boys.

The graduates plus Larry.

Awwww Ben!

Silly girl.  Peace Y’all.


for all the Kobe Bryant fans…

Everyone knows I am a “Laker Hater” or more specific a “Kobe Hater” I hear all the time about how I should like the Lakers because I live in LA, Kobe is the greatest player blah blah blah… okay yeah I admit he is a great player.. but sometimes I just don’t understand some of his actions like: cheating oh his super hot wife with some blond bimbo… playing the whole season with injuries that could eventually hurt the Lakers chances in the playoffs (I am sure that even the Laker fans agree with me on this one, its just stupid considering that the Lakers were going to make the playoffs anyway, why not rest up and get healthy, idiot.), then what I found today on Yahoo! Sports News just makes me hate Kobe Bryant even more… and you know what this post is actually directed to the Laker band wagoners… SO I guess this applies to all of you… enjoy all you Laker Haters… this is just more fuel for the fire… Courtesy of Trey Kerby from Yahoo! Sports Blog

Kobe: ‘Wardrobe that’s all white? This just doesn’t happen.’

Kobe Bryant is a stylist’s dream — probably. Dressing Kobe Bryant, trim and in good shape, must be pretty easy as long as you can find long enough pants. Not to mention, he’s a good-looking dude. Don’t believe me? Ask GQ — they’re the ones that put him on the cover and in a bubble bath.

But sometimes, even for the best-looking guys, things can go wrong. Like, for instance, if you were to put Kobe Bryant in an all-white pilgrim outfit, that might look weird. Or, I don’t know, maybe a super deep white v-neck with a head scarf that might be made out of a pillowcase. Just off the top of my head, I’m thinking those might be bizarre looks.

Confirmed. Very weird. Especially the headband under the hat part.

[Photos: View a slideshow of Kobe on the court.]

These photos are from a cover article in the L.A. Times Magazine appropriately titled “White Hot.” And if you’re thinking it’s strange to put Kobe in all-white, well, he’s with you.

Tom Murray: I have to ask, when you’re in that chopper, do you ever look down on the city, pinch yourself and say …

Kobe Bryant: How the hell did this happen? Absolutely every time. Like I’m sitting here right now. [Nods toward the two ladies primping him.] You know what I mean? This is dream [expletive]. Wardrobe that’s all white? This just doesn’t happen. Not for me. This is crazy.

I cannot disagree, because this is very crazy. Sleeveless hoodie and capri pants crazy.

The article is definitely worth a read, if only because you’ll find out that Kobe does most of the interview while getting a manicure, facial and having makeup applied. Really. He talks about picking up after his dog, playing Guitar Hero against Ray Lewis and how much he loves the Dropkick Murphys, all while being pampered before his all-white photo shoot. It’s amazing.

Pilgrim Kobe is my new favorite Kobe. Way to go, L.A. Times Magazine. Please do DJ Mbenga next.


all time low….

So everyone already knows that I work at Ralphs.  Although I am constantly complaining about the customers that I have to encounter on a daily basis (not all of them are bad btw, unfortunately just the Asian ones are a pain in the ass), but what I have yet to complain about is the management team that I am currently working for, and as you will find out they are just as bad if not worse than the customers.  In the past few months there have been many changes at my store, one of them is the change of management personnel and unfortunately I do not agree with any of the changes, what a surprise.

What most of you don’t understand is that employees at Ralphs (I am only speaking for my location, and possibly the district managers) are a bunch of college drop outs or simply never attended college in the first place.  After talking to my managers I can understand why they never had a proper education because they just aren’t capable of any higher learning.  What perplexes me is how they were able to climb the corporate ladder and somehow are given the power or responsibility of managing other humans beings, but when you think that its like the dumb (corporate) promoting the dumber (my managers, minus two of them) it all makes sense.

Although I can probably write an entire essay on how my managers lack certain attributes that make a good managers its not the original reason for my post.  What I wanted everyone to know is that today I have hit an all time low during my three year stint at Ralphs, today I GOT SENT HOME FOR NOT SHAVING MY BEARD.  As a matter of fact I shouldn’t even call it a beard, maybe its five o’clock shadow, wait its barely peach fuzz!!! I couldn’t believe my ears when a certain manager (b***h!!!!!!) approached me and said that I wouldn’t be able to clock in unless I went home to shave, I mean is that really necessary!?  There are coworkers that can grow beards and currently have more facial hair than I could grow in two months, but are they asked to go home and shave? No. I don’t even know how to react to this… do I go back to work as if nothing happened, or do I confront her? Who knows, only time will tell….